Surety Bonds

Green Light: $17 Billion in New York City


New York City plans to  “un-pause” over 1,700 projects before the end of March, in a recovery effort that will restart $17 billion in capital construction projects.

Public Works and Jobs Too

Mayor Bill de Blasio is green-lighting projects that were put on hold because of the pandemic. City leadership is hopeful that getting $17 billion in capital projects back underway will also help many New Yorkers get back to work. Bloomberg reports that the projects include: construction of new schools, park upgrades, major library projects, work on protecting cyclists and pedestrians, and repairs and replacement of sewer and wastewater management infrastructure.

 Noting that New Yorkers are “comeback artists for sure,” Mayor de Blasio highlighted a raft of projects including:

  • School capacity
  • Affordable housing
  • Coastal resiliency projects
  • Improving streets and street safety
  • Park improvements

New York City’s newly appointed “recovery czar,” Lorraine Grillo, is particularly hopeful about small contractors, including Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) get back to work—and rehire staff. As she told Patch News:

Hiring and procurement on the projects will help construction workers, engineers, architects and others affected by the pandemic get back to work. This is exactly what’s needed to bring this city back and make this a recovery for all of us….

It Gets Late Early…

 With projects revving up around the country, what’s on your dashboard? Remember what New York Yankee legend Yogi Berra cautioned: It gets late early out there!


Let Colonial Surety Company help you gear up and go after some new projects—anywhere in the country! With a Colonial Surety Company Partnership Account® contractors across the country:

  • Gain control of bidding and bonding, online and in real time.
  • Utilize powers of attorney to seal and issue their own bid bonds—in minutes.
  • Compete with fast, confidential bid bonds—no middleman.
  • Order performance and payment bonds easily from a customized digital dashboard.
  • Track bids and work on hand in real time with free management reports.
  • Speak directly with Colonials lead underwriter as new opportunities emerge.
  • Leverage data on a private Owners Dashboard to view surety lines, adjust work on hand, analyze bids—and grow.

Learn more and pre-qualify for a Partnership Account now!

 All contract companies that complete our brief pre-qualification application receive, for free, Dun & Bradstreet scores.  Those who pre-qualify for a surety line of credit, go on to upload a few more documents that help Colonial better understand their operation and underwrite the Partnership Account®.

 Pre-Qualify and Receive Free Credit Scores Now!

Founded in 1930, Colonial Surety Company is a leading direct seller and writer of surety bonds and insurance products across the USA. Colonial is rated “A Excellent” by A.M. Best Company and U.S. Treasury listed.