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Displaying 388 results for: Court Bonds
Court Bonds 09.23.2022

Understanding Undue Influence

  What constitutes undue influence in an estate plan? What are some of the reasons why beneficiaries might challenge an estate plan over undue influence? How do different states handle claims of undue influence? Read…
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Understanding Undue Influence
Court Bonds 09.18.2022

Assets, Debts, Taxes: Executor Duties

Agreeing to execute the will of a loved one or friend involves more then most people realize. Executors are encouraged to prepare ahead of time to the greatest extent possible. Experts share their insights for…
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Assets, Debts, Taxes: Executor Duties
Court Bonds 09.18.2022

Estate Plans: It Takes a Village

  By it’s very nature, creating—and periodically updating, an estate plan requires us to involve others. Importantly, for example, when young children are involved, a guardian must be designated. Wills rely on personal representatives, typically…
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Estate Plans: It Takes a Village
Court Bonds 09.10.2022

Executing Paul Allen’s Estate

  When Microsoft co-founder, Paul G. Allen died in 2018, his net worth was estimated at $20.3 billion. His sister Jody Allen has had the big role of executing his estate in line with his…
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Executing Paul Allen’s Estate
Court Bonds 09.10.2022

Inheriting Debt?

Mortgages, credit card bills and car loans are among the types of debt left behind upon the death of a loved one. What happens to these debts? Can the burden of payment be passed on…
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Inheriting Debt?
Court Bonds 08.30.2022


  Though a painful decision, parents can choose to leave a child out of the will. There is no law saying parents must leave assets to children—or divide their assets evenly among children. Estate planning…
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Court Bonds 08.30.2022

Joint Account? Cautionary Advice

  Estate planning experts say that although adding a loved one to a bank account may seem like an efficient way to pass the associated assets forward when we die, doing so can actually lead…
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Joint Account? Cautionary Advice
Court Bonds 08.28.2022

Probate Litigation: Outcomes?

  Although hopefully avoided through careful planning and good communication, significant disappointments, delays, and conflicts are not uncommon upon the death of a loved one. Hurt feelings alone are insufficient cause for initiating probate litigation….
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Probate Litigation: Outcomes?
Court Bonds 08.28.2022

When Being Fair Counts: Pot Trusts

  Being fair to children does not always mean ensuring assets are equally gifted via an estate plan. Age, health, special needs, educational and vocational goals are among the dynamics that can make doing what’s…
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When Being Fair Counts: Pot Trusts