Contract Surety

Western New York Non-Essential Construction to Gradually Resume Tuesday


On May 18, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stated Western New York will commence a gradual reopening process to allow non-essential construction, manufacturing, and wholesale trade establishments to resume operations this Tuesday. This rule includes businesses like forestry, hunting and fishing, agriculture, and curbside pickup at retail stores.

The governor said the five-county Western New York region needs to meet one more of the seven benchmarks to commence reopening, which includes acquiring a sufficient amount of contact tracers in place. These tracers are used to help lower the spread of COVID-19 cases by making calls to those recently diagnosed with the illness to see who they were in close contact with.

In addition to Western New York, Cuomo announced the Central New York region is getting closer to reopening their non-essential businesses as well. Only time will tell how soon this will be.

Easily comply with state requirements with Colonial Surety Company. If you are a public contractor in New York or any other state in the country, it is crucial that you obtain performance and payment bond. Colonial Surety Company provides a direct, digital way to secure a surety line of credit. You can apply online today and we will review your submission. Once approved, you gain access to The Partnership Account® for Contractors. The benefits of joining include power of attorney and corporate seal to issue your own bids bonds, direct access to the underwriter, lines in writing with exceptions if needed, complete security, and control over your business. Apply now.